Advocates Cheer Legislative Hearing on Childcare Incentives
Jefferson City, MO – The Missouri Champion of Children coalition, which includes child advocates, law enforcement, military, and business and healthcare leaders, cheered today’s hearing of HB 1488. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Brenda Shields (R-St. Joseph), would provide tax incentives for businesses that provide childcare to employees and provides a tax incentive to individuals who make charitable contributions to childcare providers. The bill was heard by the Missouri House of Representatives Committee on Workforce and Infrastructure Development.
“We are encouraged to see the General Assembly continue to make investing in childcare and early education a top priority,” said Brian Schmidt, Executive Director Kids Missouri. “Today’s hearing showcased the overwhelming, broad-based support for affordable, quality childcare and early learning opportunities across the demographic, political, and ideological spectrum. This is a crisis impacting children and families, public safety, and our economy. Significant progress has been made already and, with the support of Missourians and legislative leaders, we are grateful to see the legislature moving decisively to consider this important childcare incentive proposal again this session.”
Recent polling shows that Missourians overwhelmingly support investments in childcare and early education. Polling from October showed that 84% of Missourians support a tax incentive for businesses that provide childcare benefits while 74% support tax incentives encourage charitable contributions to childcare providers. It also showed 89% believed affordable childcare helps parents succeed at work and 90% believed having childcare options for families supports businesses and local economies.
The tax incentives have also been filed by Sen. Lauren Arthur (D-Kansas City) as SB 742.