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Missouri’s New Leadership Demonstrates Strong Commitment to Children and Families

JEFFERSON CITY, MO – Kids Win Missouri applauds the strong commitment to children and families demonstrated by Missouri’s new state leadership as the 2025 legislative session begins. Governor Mike Kehoe, House Speaker Jon Patterson, and Senate President Pro Tem Cindy O’Laughlin have all signaled that supporting Missouri families and expanding access to affordable childcare will be key priorities this session.

“We are encouraged to see Missouri’s top leaders recognizing that investing in our children and families is crucial for our state’s future,” said Brian Schmidt, Executive Director of Kids Win Missouri. “The alignment we’re seeing between Governor Kehoe, Speaker Patterson, and Senator O’Laughlin on these critical issues gives us hope for continuing progress in 2025.”

In her opening day address, Senator O’Laughlin emphasized her dedication to protecting children and supporting strong families, while Speaker Patterson outlined his commitment to increasing access to affordable childcare and early childhood education programs. Governor Kehoe has consistently highlighted the personal significance of this issue, drawing from his own family’s experiences.

The focus on childcare accessibility comes at a crucial time, as the lack of affordable childcare currently costs Missouri’s economy $1.35 billion annually according to the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

“These leaders understand that accessible, affordable childcare isn’t just a family issue – it’s an economic imperative for our state,” Schmidt noted. “Their commitment to addressing this challenge head-on demonstrates the kind of forward-thinking leadership Missouri needs to create stronger communities and a more prosperous future for all our residents.”

Kids Win Missouri looks forward to continuing to work with state leadership to develop and implement policies that support Missouri’s children and families, ensuring every child has the opportunity to thrive.